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Research and innovation

In 2015 ….

150 clinical trials

130 scientific publications

medical doctors with a PhD

new inter-regional Hospital Programs of Clinical Research

full professor responsible for research supervision





The GHICL (Lille Catholic University Hospitals), together with the Lille Faculty of Medicine and Midwifery (FMM), has been recognized for several years for their medical research activities. This research is carried out by the hospital personnel (medical or paramedical staff), is anchored in the heart of the hospitals’ activities, and has the same level of importance as health care or education.


Through access to innovation, this medical research allows for the improvement of the quality of care given to both hospitalized patients and GHICL’s care establishments.


Within the GHICL / FMM, as seen on this web site, ambitious research projects (or clinical trials) are being developed by the different hospital departments:  pediatrics, cytogenetics, gynecology & obstetrics, hematology-oncology, neurology, cardiology, dermatology …


These projects facilitate interaction between fundamental research and clinical application. They are now made possible thanks to strong links established between disciplines, and because of the presence of important equipment that contributes to the development of techniques of diagnosis and innovative therapies rarely found outside the region.


This research is available to private hospitals, clinics, city-hospital networks and health centers at a regional, national, and international level.

The caregivers are supported by the whole team of the department of medical research (DMR) to accomplish their research projects such as clinical trials, and studies on databases. In addition, strong links are being formed between researchers and academic institutions such as the Inserm, the CNRS, the Lille Center of Infection and Immunity /Pasteur Institute in Lille, the Oscar Lambret Center, regional universities, and teaching hospitals.

These past few years, the GHICL / FMM has put the emphasis on effective, high-quality research, on sharing resources between partner institutions, and on strong thematic priorities.


These efforts have made it possible to make the medical research activities of the GHICL / FMM among the best for the health establishments of the region and/or in France for FEHAP (French Federation of Hospitals and Care Homes) establishments.



 Amélie Lansiaux

Head of the  Department of Medical Research


 Pierre Gosset

 Head of the Pathology Department

Vice Dean of Research



What is medical research?
Themes of research
Department of Medical Research
The National Commission for Information Technology and Liberties